produktyPanametria CZ :: Produkty, Digital - Obecné plyny, GM 868

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GM 868

Kategorie: Digital - Obecné plyny   Výrobce: Panametrics
GM 868

The DigitalFlow™ GM868 general-purpose flowmeter measures gas flow in pipes or ducts ranging from ½ in (1.27 cm) tubing to flue stacks greater than 25 ft (7.6 m) in diameter with appropriate transducers. Innovative configurations for installation of its ultrasonic transducers meet pipe or duct size and other application-oriented requirements. This obstructionless meter has very wide rangeability, causes no pressure drop, and requires no regular maintenance. Analog and digital outputs in velocity and actual volumetric flow rate are standard.

  • General-purpose gas flowmeter
  • Velocity range: 0.1 to 150 ft/s (0.03 to 46 m/s)
  • Obstructionless; no pressure drop
  • No moving parts; maintenance-free
  • Tolerates dirty flow streams

Pdf Dokumentace

Brožura (EN) gm868br.pdf
Manuál gm868man.pdf


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