Coriolis Mass Flowmeter
for High Flow Applications
The RHM 100 can measure up to 720 t/hr with
the superior and patended Omega shape meter
technology manufactured by rheonik, the mass
flowmeter experts.
- As heavy duty version available (increased wall
thickness of measuring pipes for additional safety
- 220 bar
- Short face to face length
- Patented Torsion Swinger
- Customer adaptations possible for application
optimized solutions
- Typical measuring ranges from
240 to 12.000 kg/min
- Flow Accuracy better than 0.2%
- Repeatability better than 0.05%
- EEx Approvals (i.e. ATEX, CSA, ...)
- Custody Transfer Approvals (i.e. PTB, NMI, ...)