produktyPanametria CZ :: Produkty, Delta F, Series 500E

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Series 500E

Kategorie: Kapalný elektrolyt   Výrobce: Delta F
Series 500E

¨The Delta F Series 500 eliminates the problems of inaccurate oxygen readings due to drift or low false readings. These types of problems can cause personnel to ignore or turn off the monitor. With Delta F’s non-depleting sensor technology and unique Sentry Circuit, every Series 500 monitor provides years of consistent, reliable and accurate operation.

  • Reliability - the sensor doesn't decay over time - there are no false low readings
  • Stability - little or no recalibration over time
  • Environmental sensitivity - automatically adjusts to minor environmental changes without affecting true oxygen deficiency response
  • Failsafe operation - battery backup picks up when AC power stops so you will always be safe

Pdf Dokumentace

Brožura (EN) 500.pdf


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